Christmas Baking...

Allow us to create beautiful holiday cookies and treats for you and your family!  No time to bake?  No problem - we have you covered at Ella's Kitchen.  We are offering Christmas cookies and other goodies, beautifully wrapped with delightful ribbon, ready to enjoy or give as a gift.  Pick up at the Cobourg Farmer's Market.

Package of 24 cookies - $38.00
Package of 48 cookies - $75.00
Package of 72 cookies - $110.00

All packaged cookies are beautifully wrapped and include an assortment of: well as other special goodies we come up with as we come closer to the holiday season!

Chocolate Bark
Large Sleeve - $15.00

White Chocolate Candy Cane Dipped Pretzel Rods
Large Sleeve - $15.00

English Toffee
Large Sleeve - $15.00
